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Sign up for a free account using your email address to be able to submit a request for permits to be issued in Local Councils in Malta and Gozo.

AVVIŻ DWAR IL-PRIVATEZZA TAL-INFORMAZZJONI Id-dejta kollha tinżamm b’mod sigur fuq is-Sistema tal-Permessi Onlajn filwaqt li tiġi trattata b’mod kunfidenzjali u b’sensittività għall-iskop tal-ipproċessar ta ’applikazzjonijiet għall-ħruġ ta’ permessi, li l-Kunsill Lokali huwa obbligat li jipproċessa. Int għandek id-dritt li taċċessa, tirrettifika, u fejn applikabbli, tħassar kwalunkwe dejta li tikkonċerna lilek. Il-Kunsilli Lokali jiggarantixxu proċessar ġust tad-dejta personali tiegħek.

DATA PROTECTION NOTICE All data is securely held on the Online Permit System, will be treated confidentially and with sensitivity for the purpose of processing applications for the issuing of permits, which the Local Council is enabled to process. You have the right to access, rectify, and where applicable, erase any data concerning you. The Local Councils guarantee fair processing of your personal data.